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已售 8 件 | 评价 0 人次 | 关注度 344
  • 商品货号:F105211
  • accession:NM_003147
  • 基因别名:SSX2
  • 基因描述:Homo sapiens synovial sarcoma, X breakpoint 2 (SSX2), transcript variant 1, mRNA.
  • 载体: 现货载体
  • CDS区长度:672
  • 翻译后氨基酸长度:223
  • TranscriptVariant:This variant (1) represents the longest transcript and encodes the longest isoform (a).
  • 基因简介:The product of this gene belongs to the family of highly homologous synovial sarcoma X (SSX) breakpoint proteins. These proteins may function as transcriptional repressors. They are also capable of eliciting spontaneous humoral and cellular immune responses in cancer patients, and are potentially useful targets in cancer vaccine-based immunotherapy. This gene, and also the SSX1 and SSX4 family members, have been involved in t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2) translocations that are characteristically found in all synovial sarcomas. This translocation results in the fusion of the synovial sarcoma translocation gene on chromosome 18 to one of the SSX genes on chromosome X. The encoded hybrid proteins are likely responsible for transforming activity. Alternative splicing of this gene results in multiple transcript variants. This gene also has an identical duplicate, GeneID: 727837, located about 45 kb downstream in the opposite orientation on chromosome X. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2013]
  • 载体信息:自有图片地址
  • 规格:10ul 质粒
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