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已售 4 件 | 评价 0 人次 | 关注度 347
  • 商品货号:F157092
  • accession:NM_002914
  • 基因别名:RFC2
  • 基因描述:Homo sapiens replication factor C (activator 1) 2, 40kDa (RFC2), transcript variant 2, mRNA.
  • 载体:现货载体
  • CDS区长度:963
  • 翻译后氨基酸长度:320
  • TranscriptVariant:This variant (2) lacks an in-frame exon in the central coding region, compared to variant 1. The encoded isoform (2) is shorter, compared to isoform 1.
  • 基因简介:This gene encodes a member of the activator 1 small subunits family. The elongation of primed DNA templates by DNA polymerase delta and epsilon requires the action of the accessory proteins, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and replication factor C (RFC). Replication factor C, also called activator 1, is a protein complex consisting of five distinct subunits. This gene encodes the 40 kD subunit, which has been shown to be responsible for binding ATP and may help promote cell survival. Disruption of this gene is associated with Williams syndrome. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms have been described. A pseudogene of this gene has been defined on chromosome 2. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2013]
  • 载体信息:自有图片地址
  • 规格:10ul 质粒
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